Thursday, January 13, 2011

Concussion - It's Not All in Your Head

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What You Don't Know About Concussions Can Be Deadly!

Leading Experts from the Children's National Medical Center,

the University of Maryland Athletic Medical Team,

Professional Athletic Associations,


Local Political Leaders

will talk about

How Concussion Affects Young Athletes

Did You Know That:

Students may need to limit activities while they are recovering from a concussion. Exercising or activities that involve a lot of concentration, such as studying, working on the computer, or playing video games, may cause concussion symptoms (such as headache or tiredness) to reappear or get worse.

Services and accommodations for students may include speech-language therapy, environmental adaptations, curriculum modifications, and behavioral strategies.

Students who return to school after a concussion may need to:

•Take rest breaks as needed,
•Spend fewer hours at school,
•Be given more time to take tests or complete assignments,
•Receive help with schoolwork, and/or
•Reduce time spent on the computer, reading, or writing.

When students return to school after a concussion, school professionals should watch for:

•Increased problems paying attention or concentrating
•Increased problems remembering or learning new information
•Longer time needed to complete tasks orassignments
•Difficulty organizing tasks
•Inappropriate or impulsive behavior during class
•Greater irritability
•Less ability to copy with stress or more emotional

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010 - Howard University Track and Gym

We invite you to Join Us for a day of

Education, Sharing, and Practice in Health Eating, Fitness, and Real Health Care!

You can go here to Pay Your Registration Fee or to Simply Donate to the Cause!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ten Worst and Best Foods

Take a look at this website to see for yourselves what certain kinds of food do to your system.

Ten Worst and Best Foods

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Don't Let Experts with Opposing Views Confuse You into Inaction

The fact of the matter is that for almost every harmful thing we are faced with, there are those who will tell you that there is "no proof" that the harmful thing is actually doing you harm. Nonsense! When it comes to being overweight, being in poor physical condition, or suffering poor health, we already know the solutions. We just don't want to do what we know we need to do.

This has to stop! There is absolutely nothing good about fast food, except that sometimes it is actually fast. But so is good, nutritional food, when cooked properly. Steaming vegetables, cutting up fruit, even broiling free-range chicken are all quick alternatives to restaurant and frozen "fast food." Just read the label on any frozen food package and you will see a bunch of chemicals put into the food (I don't even think THEY know why they all are there).

Spending so much time, sitting in front of the television, like it is your friend, doesn't take much energy at all. You get absolutely no physical exercise, not even mental exercise doing that. We talk about kids playing video games, but we adults also sit and watch HOURS of football and basketball, shouting game plays and instructions as if we are playing the game, and losing out on being in shape like the players we watch.

And whenever, we feel ill, usually caused by a lifetime of poor diet and lack of physical exercise, we seek a quick solution - a pill, surgery, or numbing - as if that actually fixes the problem; instead of looking at what we are doing to our own bodies and ignoring that, just to live 50 or 60 years when we have a God-given right to a longer life. Slowly we are literally killing ourselves and thinking that it's alright.

The proof of the harmful effects of fast food that we all see is obesity and overweight, lack of strength and stamina, and horrible health outcomes. So, let's try this.

Let's change our eating habits from fast food to fresh, home-cooked, unprocessed foods. Let's take the white flours, sugars, and pasta out of our diets. Let's put more vegetables and fruits in. Let's take all of the high sugar and man-made sugars out of our diets. Let's stop drinking sodas and drinks with less than 50% real juice. Let's cut back on salt and avoid canned foods that typically have high salt contents. And let's avoid all of the foods that have a lot of man-made oils and fats in them.

Let's read the labels and put back those things that have more than 1 or 3 other ingredients. If it is cheese, it ought to be cheese and nothing more. This certainly won't hurt you and I guarantee that you will not gain weight; in fact, you will lose weight; your health will improve; and you will have more energy to participate in physical exercise that will build muscle, firm up flab, and increase your body system's ability to repair itself.

Don't let a cool song or jingle intice you into buying and eating foods that are harmful to you. Don't let fast food restaurants that use a lot of smell chemicals to make their food desireable, lure you into their web. And don't let pictures of food, persuade you that you are hungry when you are not.

And ALWAYS pay attention to who is providing the money for those experts to say that fast food doesn't affect you. See who is paying to have educated sounding people tell you that you need more televisions, video games, movies, and horrible TV programs. And see who is buying doctors and other health professionals to get on TV and tell you about all of the wonder drugs that will cure your ills. Usually, it is the very people who make those things and want you to buy them so that they can get rich and you can get sicker and pay even more.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The District of Columbia Among the Top Cities with Obesity Problem

SAFEO has made a specific decision to structure its focus on food, fitness, and health care. Mind, body, and spirit are seriously affected by food, fitness, and health, and with the startling statistic that one in three District of Columbia youths is overweight and obese, the situation is gravest among inner city communities where few affordable and accesible options are available.

Beginning in 2010, SAFEO has been raising public awareness on this issue through three initial grants from the D.C. Children and Youth Investment Trust: one, to expose youth to the food industry, with a view towards directing them to professions where they can have an impact on food quality; another to engage them in a food, fitness, and health care community mapping project where they identify health conscious, cost-effective products and services available to them, their families, and other community residents; and the last, to put them on a regimen of physical exercise for weight loss, toning, and illness prevention.

Back to Our Food, Fitness, and Health Roots

Let's Do This!

This is one of the most challenging times in the history of mankind; and it is particularly challenging for our youth. As we expand the global economy, we face tremendous issues, not only in terms of the number and diversity of people and cultures with whom we will interact, but also we face formidable tasks in balancing our essential need for sustainable agriculture against urban and rural sprawl; maintaining adequate physical involvement in our daily lives; and visioning and implementing comprehensive and equitable health care systems, among others.

I believe our young people will meet these challenges head on, but I also know that we must equip them to do so. At SAFEO, we made a specific decision to begin with food, fitness, and health. That is because without a strong, healthy group of young people, there will be no strong and capable future leaders. Mind, body, and spirit are seriously affected by food, fitness, and health, and with the startling statistic that one in three District of Columbia youths is overweight and obese, the situation is gravest among inner city communities where few comprehensive grocery stores exist, where fast food establishments prevail, and where the search for fresh vegetables and fruit leads to nowhere. Can you imagine not being able to buy an apple within a three mile radius of your neighborhood?

SAFEO is raising public awareness of this issue through three initial grants from the D.C. Children and Youth Investment Trust: one to expose youth to the food industry, with a view towards directing them to professions where they can have an impact on food quality; another to engage them in a food, fitness, and health care community mapping project where they will identify health-conscious, cost-effective products and services available to them and their families; the last to put them on a regimen of physical exercise for weight loss, toning, and illness prevention.

In October of this year we will put on a major community-wide Get Up, Get Involved, Healthy Living Festival on the campus of Howard University. This event is slated to be one of the most revealing and useful events ever held in the city. In its work in the City, SAFEO engages a host of government, business, educational, faith-based, and community organizations; however, we also need your help.

Please take a look at our effort to host this vital, multifaceted community information festival and make a decision to team with us for this important work. Let’s show Washington, D.C. that we are willing to take control of what we eat, how we support our physical bodies, and how we gain and protect our health. Together, we can tackle the chronic problems of poor nutrition, poor health, and poor physical fitness.

Thank you,

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